Home > Greek > Sorority Gifts & Apparel > Kappa Alpha Theta
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TEXAS Theta Gray Fleece TEXAS Theta Rain Jacket Theta Gray Fleece
TEXAS Theta Gray Fleece
Ships in 2-3 days $54.00
TEXAS Theta Rain Jacket
Ships in 2-3 days $70.00
Theta Gray Fleece
Ships in 2-3 days $54.00
Theta Rain Jacket Navy Sweat Set (Classic Style) -Theta White Sweat Set (Texas Style) -Theta
Theta Rain Jacket
Ships in 2-3 days $70.00
White Sweat Set (Classic Style) -Theta Navy Sweat Set (Texas Style) -Theta White Sweatshirt (Classic) - Theta
White Sweatshirt (Texas) - Theta Navy Sweatshirt (Classic Style) -Theta Navy Sweatshirt (Texas) - Theta
Grey Sweatshirt (Classic Style) -Theta Grey Sweatshirt (Texas) - Theta Grey Sweatshirt (Classic Style-Black) -Theta
White Hoodie - Theta (Black) Navy Hoodie - Theta White Hoodie - Theta (Navy)
Navy Hoodie - Theta
Our Price: $45.00
Striped Jersey (Navy) - Theta -EST. Striped Jersey (Navy) - Theta -BOLD Striped Jersey (Navy) - TEXAS Theta
Baseball Shirt (Navy Design) - Theta Baseball Shirt (Pink Design) - Theta Baseball Shirt (TEXAS Design) - Theta
PJ Harlow Shorts- Theta Navy Sweatpants (Classic Style) - Theta White Sweatpants (Texas) -Theta
PJ Harlow Shorts- Theta
Our Price: $69.00
Navy Sweatpants (Texas) -Theta White Sweatpants (Classic Style) - Theta Navy Sweatpants (Retro Style) -Theta
Sorority Mesh Jersey (Black) - Theta Sorority Mesh Jersey (White) - Theta TEXAS- Green Shorts - Theta
TEXAS- Green Shorts - Theta
Ships in 1-2 days $42.00
TEXAS- Orange Shorts - Theta TEXAS- Pink Shorts - Theta TEXAS- Black Shorts - Theta
TEXAS- Orange Shorts - Theta
Ships in 1-2 days $42.00
TEXAS- Pink Shorts - Theta
Ships in 1-2 days $42.00
TEXAS- Black Shorts - Theta
Ships in 1-2 days $42.00
TEXAS- Blue Shorts - Theta TEXAS- Texas Flag Shorts - Theta *TEXAS- Yellow Shorts - Theta (black design)
TEXAS- Blue Shorts - Theta
Ships in 1-2 days $42.00
TEXAS- Texas Flag Shorts - Theta
Ships in 1-2 days $42.00
Black Sorority Shorts - Theta Blue Sorority Shorts - Theta Texas Flag Sorority Shorts - Theta
Black Sorority Shorts - Theta
Ships in 1-2 days $42.00
Blue Sorority Shorts - Theta
Ships in 1-2 days $42.00
Texas Flag Sorority Shorts - Theta
Ships in 1-2 days $42.00
Pink Sorority Shorts - Theta Orange Sorority Shorts - Theta Green Sorority Shorts - Theta
Yellow Sorority Shorts - Theta (black design) JH Key Ring - Kappa Alpha Theta SB Key Fob - Theta
JH Key Ring - Kappa Alpha Theta
Ships in 1-2 days $36.00
SB Key Fob - Theta
Our Price: $33.00
Silver Pin Box - Theta TEXAS Silver Pin Box - Theta Sterling Lavalier - Theta (charm only)
Silver Pin Box - Theta
Our Price: $36.00
Pearl Bracelet - Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority Gold Bar Necklace - Theta Athena Necklace - Theta
Athena Necklace - Theta
Our Price: $30.00
SP Gold Lavalier Necklace - Theta Name Necklace - Theta Paperclip Necklace - Theta
Name Necklace - Theta
Our Price: $30.00
Paperclip & Bar Necklace -  Theta Keepsake Blanket - Theta Gray Plush Blanket - Theta
Keepsake Blanket - Theta
Our Price: $62.00
Gray Plush Blanket - Theta
Ships in 1-2 days $49.00
Monogrammed Pillowcase - Theta Theta All Pink Trucker Theta Black-White Trucker with Gold
Theta All Pink Trucker
Our Price: $18.00
Theta Red-White-Blue Trucker White Fanny (Blue) - Theta White Fanny (Pink) - Theta
Pink Fanny - Theta Gold Metallic Fanny - Theta Silver Metallic Fanny - Theta
Pink Fanny - Theta
Our Price: $29.00
12 pack Cooler   -Theta Sorority Ring Dish - Theta Sorority Insulated 20 oz. Tumbler - Theta
12 pack Cooler -Theta
Our Price: $39.00
No Show Socks -  Theta Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority Car Decal Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority Computer Decal
No Show Socks - Theta
Our Price: $12.50
Texas Decal - Theta Girl Power Stickers - Theta SS Crest Stickers - Theta
Texas Decal - Theta
Our Price: $7.00
SS Crest Stickers - Theta
Our Price: $11.00
Retro Koala - Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority Flag Retro Flag - Theta
Retro Flag - Theta
Our Price: $25.00
Gold Script Styrofoam Cups - Theta Kappa Alpha Theta Waffle Bag Theta Canvas Tote
Kappa Alpha Theta Waffle Bag
Ships in 1-2 days $32.00
Theta Canvas Tote
Our Price: $29.00
UT Kappa Alpha Theta Pin (3 inch) Theta B/O Loves the Horns Pin (3 inch) Kiss a Theta Pin (3 inch)
Theta Stacked Pin (2.25 inch) Baylor Theta Loves the Bears Pin - Green (3 inch)